A drawing my Mom asked me to make of her that is based on a sketch of hers that I used for an earlier post. Only I got the coffee cup size wrong, so it looks like a mug. Something she refers to as ‘barbaric’. She prefers smaller cups. I usually agree with this but my method of drawing has a barbaric quality to it in relation to imbibing coffee.
On to more pressing things…
My Mom will be participating in a panel at Parsons on Monday, September 30, 2013 at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The symposium will take place at 2 West 13th Street.
NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium is a weekly series for artist/writers working in various text-image forms: comics, picture-stories, animation, etc. at which to present and critique current work.
As usual she is always pleased when fans show up!
Me? I am off to Bulgaria.